Become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency happens!
The Somerset County Board of Agriculture, in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Trauma Center, request your participation in an upcoming
Training Session!
Someone who is severely bleeding can bleed to death in as little as 5 minutes.
The number 1 cause of preventable death after injury is bleeding.
Learn the lifesaving skills to STOP THE BLEED® and be empowered to save a life.
Even if you can't make this session, please provide the requested information so we can add you to our contact list for future opportunities and events. In case of inclement weather, this session would be held the following day, Tuesday March 5th. You will be notified if there is any change to the date, time, or location of this training as long as you provide the contact information requested below.
March 4, 2024
Suydam Farm Greenhouses
49 Skillman Lane Somerset, NJ 08873
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Submit your RSVP or Register using the QR Code
For more info, please contact Cathy Blumig: (732) 873-3206 or