The Franklin Township Environmental Commission is pleased to have Susan Brookman, Executive Director of the NJ Invasive Species Strike Team give a presentation about Invasive Species in the Municipal Council chambers on September 15, 2014 at 7 p.m..
The Invasive Species Strike Team works to stop the spread of new invasive plants, animals, pathogens and other organisms that are not native to New Jersey but whose presence is likely to damage the health of our environment, economy or our citizens.
Ms. Brookman will discuss detecting invasive species early as the key to successful control. People with smart phones can learn about, identify and report invasive species with an app that has been developed. A user who sees something they suspect may be an invasive species can scroll through photos to identify what they see, read information about it, then take a picture and submit a report. When invasive species are detected, the Strike Team can offer guidance to property owners to help them eradicate the problem species.
The Strike Team works with counterparts across the mid-Atlantic to catalog non-native species and assess their threat levels. It creates an annual list of target species. This year’s list includes 88 plants, 35 animals and 5 pathogens.
All members of the public are invited to attend and participate.